Friday, August 21, 2015

The Origin Story

It is a well known fact that I require Netflix the way most people require oxygen. That may be a bit of a exaggeration. But not by much. Today a coworker of mine suggested that I keep a blog of my reviews of my various conquests I suppose you can call them.

This coworker maintains that this is because he thinks I would be good at this. But let's be honest, it's because every time I watch a movie/show and fall in love with it (happens quite often to be honest. Like Marshall Erikson from HIMYM, I give my seal of approval rather freely) I proceed to, for the lack of better phrasing, shove it down other people's throats.

For approximately a week after I find myself enamored by a new movie/show most of my conversations follow this pattern:

"So I started watching this new show/movie, *insert name*. IT IS AMAZING. Aaaaah! I love it SO much. It is so awesome you HAVE to watch it!! *insert a rambling and confusing description of the show* I'm so horrible at explaining it! It is so much better than I'm making it sound! You will love it! The chracters/setting/plotline is so complex and amazing. Aaaaah! You NEED to watch it!"

It is probably abundantly evident why people may find this annoying. Which is why I'm 98.6% sure that this is the reason my coworker has been pushing me to keep a blog.

So here goes nothing.

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